New Hope Church – God the Encourager and Andrew the Photographer
By Isaiah Ziersch
In February, we performed at New Hope Church in Palm Harbor and it was one of our best performances yet! We made so many important connections before and after the show.
The first encouragement was how welcomed we were. The pastors offered us dinner after the shows, printed flyers and advertised for us, and provided us with one of the best tech teams we have had. Thanks, Noah! The DTS from YWAM Tampa also helped us out with tech and extra hands. We really needed them.

God Desires to EQUIP
When I was praying about this venue in particular, I felt that the Lord wanted to use this performance to equip people in the audience. I sensed there were going to be people who already were building the kingdom, and already were moving people toward Yeshua. Somehow, the Lord wanted to use this performance to equip them for more. From the response we got, I would say that’s probably exactly what He did.
But, by the end of the weekend, I was starting to think that God was also equipping us because of some of the connections that we made while we were there.
More than a few people have directly prayed and tied our ministry with the revivals happening in Asbury because that is our generation. I can’t help but feel the truth in those statements and feel a huge amount of encouragement that God has called us to this time for some specific reason.

Rachel – Our 14-Year-Old Supporter
After the show, the same girl who volunteered for Phoebe came up to us saying “Hi, I already know who you guys are: you’re Isaiah, you’re Ashley, that’s Sarah, and that’s Eli. God spoke to me through your performance!” We were so touched by this. She asked later if she could be a part of our team. We told her that we were not sure yet where the Lord was leading us, but we would love to stay in contact with her just for the sake of knowing her. The next morning she brought her guitar and played for us some of her original songs.
A similar thing happened with two older ladies whom I welcomed to the show. They replied, “Oh we are so excited to be here! It’s going to be so powerful. We have seen the show before already and can’t wait to see it again.” This also was so encouraging and the very first time we have seen the show gain a little bit of traction.
Hey, if our fan base is those two ladies and our friend Rachel, I’m happy.
Jews – They Exist! I just had to leave Idaho!
After the show, this super kind lady approached me and started speaking in Hebrew! I was thinking “Whoa calm down! I can hardly read in Hebrew yet!” She was very encouraged by the show, and, by the sounds of it, had some more acting opportunities that she may contact me about, Lord willing. She grew up Jewish, came to know Yeshua, and led her whole family to the Lord!
Another lady and her husband came into contact with us after the show and invited us to a Purim party where they want us to meet an internationally known Israeli singer! She thought that it would be a good connection for us.
So we don’t know where God will take these things and they might just be closed doors. But, we know that sometimes one door ultimately will lead to a better one, or, sometimes, God just wants us to knock, trusting that if He wants to open the door, He will. I have no control over these things.

God Sent a Professional Photographer – Prayer Request During our Sunday morning performance, a fellow named Andrew came to our show. He is a professional photographer, took pictures of the show, and sent them our way for free! He told me after the show that he would love to get our production filmed, which is a HUGE answer to prayer, prayed since our first performance in Idaho! We hope to eventually sell DVDs on our website. The current plan is to film the performance in early April a few days before we leave for Asia. Eli and I are also in the process of trying to create our official album to put on Spotify and onto CDs. Please keep these matters in prayer and ask that the Lord would help us get His Word out there in a high-quality way that many more people can enjoy! |

God Sees the Lonely – Ministers from Pennsylvania
A few weeks ago, I was studying Hebrew on the beach. I was really struggling emotionally because of this wilderness season I’m in. It’s difficult to feel fueled in the Lord when you’re in a completely new part of the country with little to no connections. An elderly lady named Mary Ann was in Florida for vacation (she lives in Pennsylvania). She came up to me and asked “are you studying Hebrew? That’s beautiful. What’s your name?”
Within 45 seconds of talking, she started praying for me. I needed that so much. That was one of the first times the Lord ministered to me through someone else since I’ve been in Florida and she prayed exactly what I needed to hear.
Mary Ann and her husband showed up to the performance Sunday morning! They were so encouraged. Even her husband enjoyed it (noted because he hates plays)! A few days later, Mary Ann saw me again and continued to encourage me and go on and on about how uplifting and powerful the show was, and how much favor God has on our team.
This goes such a long way. Sometimes when life is really dark, you can’t even see why God has you where you are. You wonder if it’s worth it. Then you hear how God is impacting the world around you, and it makes everything worth it.
Blessings friends and family,
Isaiah & Living Pages Team