To the Church in Rome in Singapore
May 2023
By: Sarah Halsell
The Living Pages Team and YWAM Tampa were in Singapore from April 13th – 25th. We were beyond blessed by the hospitality, kindness, and encouragement we found there. Our Living Pages Team had the opportunity to perform “To the Church in Rome” three times while in Singapore (Isaiah wrote about the first one in our last newsletter). Each time we were met with a new set of challenges, but overall God provided and did amazing things!
YWAM Singapore
While we were in Singapore, YWAM Singapore was our host – and what a blessing! Not only did they provide a roof over our heads and beds for us to sleep in, they invited us to perform “To the Church in Rome” for their School of Biblical Studies (SBS). This quickly turned into a performance for nearly the entire base as the DTS (Discipleship Training School) and many others showed up unexpectedly.
This was the one venue where we were able to perform the entirety of the show, and despite sickness, tiredness, and an early morning, it went really well! The people at the base were so encouraging and an amazing audience; laughing, volunteering, etc. After performing, we were met with so many encouraging words, which is always a blessing. The base prayed for us and blessed our ministry.
We are so grateful to YWAM Singapore for the encouraging words, hospitality, and their overall faithfulness to the Lord!
“This specific trip is a grafting of 2 teams (the YWAM Tampa DTS and Living Pages Theatre) and so we’ve had to carefully make sure that both parties are loving and supporting one another for effective and unified ministry. I was so encouraged and excited to watch the DTS experience their first mission for Jesus; to watch them grow and struggle and change as the evidence of God and his work has surrounded everything we do, everywhere we go.” -Eli

Bartley Christian Church
Our last venue for “To the Church in Rome” was Bartley Christian Church. What a day! Our whole team – including everyone from YWAM Tampa – performed some of our other material at a school that morning (which was beautiful, many conversations were had and seeds were planted). But, needless to say, our team was very emotionally and physically drained. Especially Isaiah, who had, unfortunately caught some sort of flu (not Covid :))
He was coughing for well over a week and had a fever of 101 degrees F.
“I was feeling very discouraged and drained before this performance. I was just trying to survive until we began.” -Sarah
After setting up and a nap for Isaiah, his fever broke! It was time to start the show! The show went well, and after the performance, we met with lots of people who were very encouraged. Once everyone was done talking, the youth group was split into groups to answer discussion questions. Our team joined the groups and there were many good conversations and prayer times.
“I’ve never had to perform a production while just coming off a fever. God also gave me so many words of encouragement for other young people who were seeking what God wanted to do with their lives. After praying for one girl in particular, I looked up and her friends were in tears. Apparently the prayer was very specific to what this poor girl had been through and meant a lot to them all” -Isaiah
Praise God that we were able to make it through the show and that Isaiah was healed in time in order to perform!

Sarah, Isaiah, & Team had the opportunity to lead a dance and acting workshop at a public school in Singapore!
Trusting God to Provide
Through all of the tiredness, times of anxiety, and spiritual warfare, God has still revealed himself as our provider, healer, and guide. The ministry and impact that we had in Singapore would have absolutely not happened without our God conducting it. There wouldn’t have been opportunities to go into government schools or even some of the churches had the Lord not opened the doors. Locals have mentioned how unique of an opportunity we have had to perform in public schools.
“I am reminded daily that God is ultimately the guide and leader of our team; that if I keep my eyes focused on Him and His glory then He will continue to open up opportunities and provide for us in ways we could never even imagine.” -Sarah

We are so thankful to the church team we were with and to the DTS. We are also so thankful for YOU. We deeply appreciate all your prayers and support. You are making these things possible.
Prayer Requests:
-Our ministry in Thailand, specifically in the villages
-Wisdom for the future
-Living situations
-Team Unity
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Many Blessings,
-Living Pages Team
“Consider it all joy my brothers when you face various kinds of trials knowing that trials bring about perseverance…” James 1