By: Sarah Halsell
“We have so often been in a position where we need to believe in God’s provision, because the situation requires a miracle. Therefore, we have had so many opportunities to be thankful, because every single time, he has provided.” -Eli
From April 26th – May 2nd the Southeast Asia Outreach Crew was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We were hosted by Full Gospel Assembly (FGA) during the time that we were there. Their hospitality and support was a huge blessing. God absolutely provided for our team through them.
“I was so blessed and challenged by the hospitality shown us in KL. They blessed us in so many ways. One of the church members even gave us a private tour of the city.” -Ashley
This leg of the outreach was full of crazy experiences, very tired days, challenges, and blessings, but overall, it was amazing to see God work in such amazing ways.

This is a 30 minute musical about the life of Jesus, written by Ellen and David Sanborn. The DTS team had been working on this production during the lecture phase of their program, and our team was invited to participate! Eli had the opportunity to play Jesus for this production. The show was created directly in hopes of reaching the Muslim community. Sharing the gospel with Muslims is illegal in Malaysia, but because it was advertised as a performance about Yeshua, Christians were legally allowed to invite their Muslim friends to church for the show.

Our two big performances of Yeshua were at two large mega churches in KL, SIB KL and FGA. We saw God work and do many amazing things during and after these performances.
“At FGA we performed on a Sunday. We were told that the service hadn’t been so full since before covid. That was humbling to hear.” -Ashley
The team put in a lot of hard work into making the performance professional. Though the performances went well, the most exciting times were the opportunities to pray for people afterwards. We saw so many amazing things: miracles, words of encouragement, and even deliverance. We are so honored to work alongside the DTS team and be united in Christ together.
“I can have no other take away other than God is so amazing and absolutely hears our prayers! I was able to pray for four people at these two venues – Ivy, Chiung, Lisa, and Alan. I felt a woman’s spine start to physically straighten, watched someone delivered from an evil spirit, prayed for financial breakthrough, and was amazed at the faith of someone asking for healing in their eyes. Whether or not the prayer was answered right then, it was obvious God was present. He used the performance to bring the people who needed to be there so that he could work.” -Sarah
“Although I prayed for healing for several individuals, God was trusting me with the unextraordinary it seemed. I saw no insane miracles, but God kept sending me individuals who needed encouragement, and who needed life spoken into them. I prayed for a nursery teacher who takes care of children from many different religious backgrounds. I saw the mother heart of God so very evident and strong in her life, and was able to deeply encourage her about her vital role in the Kingdom for the sake of these young children she was taking care of.” -Isaiah (from his newsletter)

As Isaiah explained in one of our past newsletters, we lost $2,300 during our travels into Southeast Asia. But during these performances, that money was brought back through the generosity of the churches. The honorariums our team received was $2,300 – possibly a little more. Praise God!
We also experienced trouble with getting one of the DTS students, Sher, into Thailand. Due to unforeseen circumstances she did not have the visa she needed. This was a very difficult and mind-boggling situation for the entire team, especially for Sher and Mel (who stayed behind in Malaysia), and Sean and Sarah (the YWAM staff on mission). But once again God provided! After many lost flights, confusing phone calls, and lots of waiting at the Thai embassy, Sher and Mel are both here in Thailand! Our team is whole again.

We are beyond thankful to FGA, SIB KL, and the YWAM team! Each one has been such a blessing to our team!
We are also so thankful for YOU. We deeply appreciate all your prayers and support. You are making these things possible.
Prayer Requests:
-Our ministry in Thailand, specifically in the villages
-Wisdom for the future
-Living situations
-Team Unity
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Many Blessings,
-Living Pages Team
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure …” Psalm 16:8 & 9