By: Sarah Halsell
On May 2nd, the outreach team got on a plane, and we made our way to Thailand! We were met with many trials and difficulties, but over the month that we were there, God did some amazing things and we all had experiences we will never forget!
While in Thailand we were hosted by City Gate Church in Chiang Mai, Musikee in Northern Thailand, and ended our journey at the ocean in Hui Hen for debriefing. This leg of the journey was filled with lots of spiritual warfare, tiredness, and confusion. However, it was equally filled with moments of experiencing God at work in the small moments, being awestruck by His creation, and the beauty that comes along with fellowship and building relationships.

City Gate Church, Chiang Mai
For the first two weeks in Thailand, we were hosted by City Gate Church. Their hospitality was so wonderful and the community we found there was even more beautiful! The Living Pages Team was able to perform some of Romans 8 for the Church as a part of a worship service. The DTS performed their original play, “Philippians”, about Paul’s missionary journey to Philippi (they even gave the four of us roles at the last minute). As a group, we performed songs from ‘Yeshua’ and a dance pantomime of the Good Samaritan story, choreographed by Sarah.
It was amazing to see relationships being built as we sat down for meals with the church and worshipped with them. God truly works through the small and big things – through performing in front of a congregation and by eating green curry (and frogs) with new friends.

Storytime: While we were in Chiang Mai, we visited a noodle shop and got to know the owner. She was so kind and very friendly! We talked to her and got to know her while we were there. At the end of our visit, we asked it we could pray for her. As we prayed her eyes filled with tears and you could tell she was experiencing the power of God’s love, maybe for the first time! We had the opportunity to visit again before we left Thailand. She was so surprised and happy to see us! This is a beautiful example of how powerful it can be to get to know people and show them the love of Christ through the small things.
What is it like in Thai Village Culture?
During our time at City Gate, we had the opportunity to visit the village of Hoi De Top. We performed for their church. Living Pages performed Romans 8 and the whole outreach team performed songs from ‘Yeshua’, skits, and dances.
The YWAM team led a day-long seminar for the members of the church. We gave teachings on God’s character and told personal testimonies. It was such a beautiful time to see the villagers taking in the teachings. Eli also got to teach on worship during this seminar. Isaiah finished off the day with a sermon on rejoicing through suffering.
“At this village, I was asked to give the main message of the church service. After some long prayer times, I decided that I would speak on rejoicing in suffering and trusting God in trials. This was one of the most powerful times in Thailand for me because God was letting me speak on the very subjects that He was currently teaching me. It was so encouraging not to stand in front of people and “teach” them, but to go into other places where believers are under intense trial and encourage them about how deeply God will use the suffering in our lives to further His Kingdom.”
– Isaiah
The rest of our time there was spent fellowshipping with the people in the village. Laughing with them at how bad we were at takraw (a game that is very similar to volleyball except you use your legs and head instead of arms – it hurts, but is so much fun!), enjoying a beautiful late-night barbeque, and finding hidden waterfalls.
Again, God was teaching us the importance of relationship and fellowship within missions!

Adonai reaching the next generation!
Our next stop in Thailand was Musikee, a children’s home for children escaping abusive and dangerous situations. We spent this week getting to know the kids, performing skits for them, and playing games.
When we weren’t doing this, we were visiting schools and churches to perform! We were able to hand out over 250 Thai children’s Bibles at the schools and the churches were encouraged. We are so grateful for the opportunity to visit these places. God is really moving in the schools of Thailand, it is obvious He is building up a powerful generation!

We are beyond thankful to City Gate Church, Siami in Musikee, and the YWAM Tampa Team – for all the love they have showed us.
We are also so thankful for YOU. We deeply appreciate all your prayers and support. You are making these things possible.
Prayer Requests:
- Rest and recovery
- Decisions about future ministry
- Keeping our focus on what God has for our team and who we are.
Moving Forward Update: Right now, the four of us are all taking a break and space, to get some needed rest in order to make prayerful and healthy decisions about the future of Living Pages Theatre. Your prayers would be much appreciated!
Realizing our need for some rest and recovery, we have paused our current tour of Romans and will not be performing in Wisconsin this August. We are looking forward to our next steps as a ministry after we have fully rested.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Many Blessings,
-Living Pages Team
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure …” Psalm 16:8 & 9