May & June 2024

“Praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe … Let everything that has breath praise ADONAI. Praise ADONAI.” Ps. 150:4,6

Dancing With Refugees

Enjoy the video below!

    We were so blessed to be able to come alongside The Nest Academy, this May. The whole story was full of the Lord orchestrating meetings and communications. During a live music gig at Dilworth Coffee, we met a teacher from The Nest. As Isaiah chatted about what we do and asked questions about The Nest, we eventually exchanged contact information and prepared for an art seminar.  After hearing about the kids’ love for dance, the decision was made that we would do a dance-focused workshop.  We couldn’t have asked for this to go better! We were welcomed to the school with smiling faces and excitement.

    In a loud, spacious gym, we were met by more students than we anticipated, which made it all the more enjoyable. Through our 4 different sessions, we had a large range of dance experience. We had groups of students who had never danced before, but were very positive about trying something new, and we had those thrilled kids who have danced their whole lives. In all cases, there was lots of laughter and silliness. Our goal was to encourage them, and to show them that they have value. The teachers already do such a phenomenal job with this at The Nest Academy, so it was a beautiful gift to be able to connect with them in this artistic way.

     We hope to partner with them again in the coming school year for more dance or acting-focused fun!  

Prayer Requests:

  • The students and teachers at The Nest Academy.
  • Continued partnership with The Nest and other connections here in NC
  • Direction as we dream, plan, and pray about what is next for LPT

More updates coming soon!


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