Hello from Living Pages Theatre!

We are very excited to invite you into our plans as we move forward. Over the past few months, we have been working hard to write out our official mission and vision for Living Pages. It is time for us to share it with you!

It is very important to us that Living Pages is wholly centered on the Lord and His plan for LPT. We are beginning to look towards expanding our team, starting more creative projects, and continuing to build the Kingdom of God.

Our mission is built on the fact that “The Word of God is living and active, sharper than a two-edged sword” Hebrews 4:12. Through this verse, we’ve noted that the point of the arts is not to bring the Word of God to life, it is to display the life that’s already within it’s pages. In other words, we don’t add meaning to Scripture, we seek to display the life that’s already there. The Word of God is already powerful and convicting (2 Timothy 3:16), this is why we intend to present it through any artistic means we can.


Our Official Mission Statement:

Living Pages Theatre is a non-profit organization, bringing hope and inspiration to anyone who needs it. Through the vessels of theatre, music, dance, and other artistic displays, we aim to build the Kingdom above all else. The vision of Living Pages is to create a joyful network of performers, musicians, composers, and trail blazers who are passionate about impacting the world around them through the arts. LPT is to be a foundation and outlet for those who have a conviction in their heart to display the Word of God anywhere they are called.


Performing with a Purpose – Series

Over the next 5 weeks we will be sharing our values with you. We want to share stories that show why we chose these to be the values of Living Pages. We have seen God work in our lives in many ways, and want to reflect on these times with you as we step into Living Page’s future together.


Kingdom Minded. Service. Excellence. Community. Power of Art.