“Bear one another’s burdens … for the one who sows to his own flesh will reap destruction from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit” Galatians 6:2,8
“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God…” 1 John 4:7
The fourth value of Living Pages is community! After sharing about why this value is important to us, we also have an invitation below for those of you who may be interested in joining our half-hour, monthly prayer meetings where we share in more detail where God is taking Living Pages Theatre.
We believe that our team dynamics and our interactions in the community should cultivate joyful and appreciative connections. Within the team, this looks like frequent check in’s, prayer times within supporting communities, compassion extended towards hardship, and appreciative gestures or words. We will prioritize time to appreciate one another with genuine love and reflection on each person’s individual value. In the community, we love to cultivate lasting collaborations with other teams, nonprofits, churches, and schools. We seek the same appreciation and compassion in these interactions. We believe we can learn from all people and can display love to all people.
The stories and testimonies we would like to share with you are based off the community we found while we were performing in Florida. We have been blessed by the people we’ve found in all the places we’ve been in. As we move forward, we want to continue to cultivate communities that are healthy, loving, and joy filled.
God Creates the Best Community
While we were in Florida touring “To the Church in Rome” and preparing for our trip to Southeast Asia with YWAM Tampa, God provided us with many different connections.
The first example of this is how our cast for “To the Church in Rome” got our costumes. Through many different church connections we met a seamstress. In conversations with her, we found out that she had been praying for a show to costume and a way to use her gifts for the Kingdom. Not many days after this prayer, we were put in communication with her and she made us beautiful, Biblical costumes.
The second example is the photographer we met during one of our shows. After one of our performances, Isaiah was approached by a photographer who had taken photos of the performance. Not only were they beautiful, this connection also let to us getting the opportunity to film “To the Church in Rome”.
The third example is of a providential place to sleep. After a show in Miami, we were provided with a safe place to spend the night. We were put in contact with a Chinese church who fed us and allowed us to sleep in their building for a night. Their hospitality was very inspiring and a huge blessing.
These stories are examples of the communities and God centered relations we aim to build as we look into the future. It is important that all of our teams, connections, and relationships are built with both appreciation and compassion. Our communities should reflect the Kingdom of God.

Be a Part of our Prayer and Support Team – Living Page’s Community
We want to invite you to be a part of our Prayer and Support Team. If the Lord has put it on your heart to pray with and for Living Pages Theatre, please reach out to us.
This team is our online, inner circle where we share in more detail what God is doing in Living Pages and what specific prayer requests we have. We lift each other up in prayer, praise God for how He has answered prayer, and update each other regarding the future of Living Pages. We also take time to prayer for external requests, such as prayer for our nation, friends, or family.
We meet the first Monday (6pm EST) and the first Wednesday (8pm EST) of every month. Members join our half-hour prayer meeting on the day that works best for their schedule.
If being part of our inner circle of prayer interests you, we would really love to talk to you more.