“For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Galatians 5:14
The second value of Living Pages Theatre that we want to highlight is Service. Here is an excerpt from our Mission and Vision Statement:
“Whatever venue or location we have the opportunity to perform in, we believe that our art is an act of service to our community. This mindset overflows into our everyday interactions with our audience, hosts, and team, considering each as more important than himself (Philippians 2:3). It is more important for our audience to feel loved than for them to be entertained. It is more important for our hosts to feel valued than for them to see a breathtaking show. It is more important for our team to feel treasured than for them to be professional performers. Wherever we go we seek to act like Jesus, being servants of all.”
We again want to share some testimonies with you all! We are called to be servants and that is a huge part of being in any kind of mission field. These stories are from our time as students at YWAM Tampa and our trip to Southeast Asia alongside the same YWAM base.
When Actors Dig Holes
In 2022, we were DTS students at YWAM Tampa Bay, a part of a Performing Arts Discipleship Training School. Our team went to Mexico for our outreach where we performed a pantomime of the Prodigal Son.
For the last part of our trip we were staying with the Huichol indigenous people of Mexico. We came not only to perform and evangelize, but also to serve. One of the natives in the area needed a road leveled leading to their house. Our team spent the afternoon digging holes and leveling out the ground for this new road. This was a beautiful opportunity to display how we valued these people. We were able to serve them through fulfilling a physical need and through giving them the gift of performing.
Value in Teaching
Another way we are wanting to establish this value of service is though teaching workshops in music, dance, and acting. An example of this is workshops we put on in Singapore. Taking time to teach and invest in others is such a great tool into people’s hearts. Giving back to the communities we are a part of is a huge part of our mission, whether it be Southeast Asia or here in North Carolina right now. Teaching is a beautiful way to show people their value, and open a door for the Lord to make a difference.

Picture of Isaiah teaching a Huichol boy to make coffee on a trip in Mexico.

Picture of a quiet moment before breakfast while we were serving at a children’s home in Mexico.