“Now there are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

“Let us praise His name with dancing; let us sing praises to Him with tambourine and lyre.” Psalm 149:3

The final value of Living Pages Theatre is the “Power of Art”. We strongly believe that God has, is, and will continue to use art in the building of His Kingdom.

“We believe in God’s ability to use the arts. We have seen how God opens doors to people who were otherwise unreachable through performing. Art also provides a way to deeply encourage the tired or hopeless, and this fuels us as we travel from place to place. If God has given us a talent, a skill, or a vision, we have a responsibility to use those tools in the Kingdom. As we surrender what we have in our hands, no matter what it is, we expect God to move mightily.”

Acting Workshops in Schools

When we were in Singapore with YWAM Tampa, we had the opportunity to lead theatre, dance, and music workshops at many government schools. At a certain school, we ended our workshop with an acting class, led by Isaiah. Isaiah led an exercise that helped the students tap into their inner emotions to help with acting. The students would reflected on a time in their life that was challenging, as well as a time they were joyful.  At a typical acting workshop, the instructor might stop there – emotions raw, sometimes very traumatic memories are brought to the surface. But Isaiah added a part, he encouraged the students that they were not alone in those moments and reminded them that they are valued. We were not allowed to specifically talk about about the Gospel because it was a government school. But we did leave an impact on those kids, in a society where it is not encouraged for them to show genuine emotion, those students will remember the actors who came to teach them and reminded them of their value, and that they are not alone.


-Sarah H.


“What’s in Your Hand?”

In Living Pages, we feel it’s our responsibility to surrender our talents into God’s hands to use. In Exodus we see a concept of surrender in God’s famous interaction with Moses that we like to reference.

Moses asks of the LORD, “What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say?”

God’s response is that of a miracle, but how He chooses to display that miracle is by asking,

“What is that in your hand?”

So too, we are asked, what do we have in our hands and how are we to use it? We hope that in this reminder of surrender, you too are amazed in God’s immense ability to use YOU in His mighty plans.


-Isaiah Z.