About Living Pages Theatre

It’s challenging to find hope and life in a broken world, which is why Living Pages Theater is creating hope-filled performing arts to bring the Word of God to life. Our prayer is that the hearts of people will be encouraged to grow in their journey with God.
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Our Mission & Vision

“Building the Kingdom through Dynamic Expression”

Living a meaningful and purpose-filled life is not for the faint of heart. In a busy world filled with distractions and anxiety, it can be easy to lose joy and wrestle with discouragement. Living Pages Theatre understands the need for hope in a hurting world. Their desire is to help people find uplifting joy and empowerment through the artistic display of the Word of God. They pray to be a vessel of encouragement so that their audience can thrive in the meaningful lives they were destined for!

No matter what your background is, we believe the Word of God can impact you in a mighty way, and encourage you where you are at. Let us encourage you by giving you a fresh perspective through our newest, exciting, and entertaining performance!

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Our Beliefs & Values


Kingdom Minded

Jesus commanded us to “go and make disciples of all nations”. Our hope for Living Pages Theatre is to reach the lost. We join with other mission teams who travel across the world who share that same vision.

With our current show, “To the Church in Rome”, we are also looking to uplift the church and those who may believe, but have been discouraged in their walk with God. We pray that people would be so impacted by the Word that they would be set on fire as they go back into the world refreshed, making disciples of all nations.” -Isaiah


“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” Hebrews 6:19

“There is nothing better than the honor of seeing God touch people’s lives around us. After many shows, I have seen people in tears and in awe of the Word of God as it impacted their life. Knowing that the hope they were given could have an eternal ripple effect makes everything worthwhile.” – Isaiah

Word of God

“The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword” Hebrews 4:12

This is Living Pages Theatre’s theme verse. There is so much power in the simple meditation and living display of the Word of God. Returning to the truth of the Word and the power of the Gospel gives so much life and encouragement.

“In performing ‘To the Church in Rome’, God’s word has come to life in my life – every time I am in awe of the beauty of God’s words and love for us. Being able to speak directly into someone’s life using God’s truth is such a beautiful thing!” -Sarah


Paul said, “without love, I am nothing”. This rings true for the Living Pages Team. Even the most professional show, best-produced entertainment, or most powerful ministry, if it’s not done in love for the audience, it is meaningless.

“There is so much opportunity to reveal God’s love through performing arts! It is so encouraging when people tell us that God spoke love into their lives through the show. This is our whole prayer and hope! -Sarah

“It was clear in each of you, that God has gifted you with the talent and creativity to share his gospel. Bringing your own unique take on your roles and your music and dancing, it was just so beautiful. Knowing how much you had to have poured your hearts and souls into bringing this to life was also breathtaking. I had many moments of goosebumps and tears, but mostly I left feeling hopeful.”

–Kara Fort, President 2 Serve Solutions, co-producer with BBC/CEO
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