Plans for Pyramids: Official Egypt Update

Plans for Pyramids: Official Egypt Update

September 2023 Plans for the Cultural Immersion trip in Cairo, Egypt, are picking up speed, and we are very excited about what is around the corner. Full Egypt Team – Bios on Website Team            The team consists of 7 students and two professors from...
Yeshua in Malaysia

Yeshua in Malaysia

By: Sarah Halsell “We have so often been in a position where we need to believe in God’s provision, because the situation requires a miracle. Therefore, we have had so many opportunities to be thankful, because every single time, he has provided.” -Eli           From...
To the Church in Rome in Singapore

To the Church in Rome in Singapore

To the Church in Rome in Singapore May 2023 By: Sarah Halsell        The Living Pages Team and YWAM Tampa were in Singapore from April 13th – 25th. We were beyond blessed by the hospitality, kindness, and encouragement we found there. Our Living Pages Team had...
Southeast Asia Tour: First Stop Singapore

Southeast Asia Tour: First Stop Singapore

Living Pages Theatre takes on Singapore! April 2023 By Isaiah Ziersch Arriving in Singapore      Wow! What a couple weeks it’s been in Singapore. Amidst getting over the jetlag and culture shock, we’ve had an amazing time seeing the new culture, many new...
Filming to the Church in Rome – April 2023

Filming to the Church in Rome – April 2023

DVD’s, Miracles, Asia: These are a few of my favorite things! April 2023 By Isaiah Ziersch        On the 6th and 7th of April, we finished the professional recording of the show! This was a HUGE accomplishment. We are so very thankful to Andrew, with Pelusopix, Elijah...